Chapter Two: The Road to Whiterun

[[I couldn’t wait until Saturday to post this, so here you guys go. Enjoy!]]

The crisp morning air nipped at Sattilde’s nose, her fingertips felt as if they were being nibbled on by the wind, her hair blew violently in front of her face, brushing her cheek and slapping her forehead. Continue reading “Chapter Two: The Road to Whiterun”

19th of Heartfire, 4E 201

It was certainly easier going up the mountain than it was going down. Each step was slippery and I lost my footing more times than I’d like to admit.

A couple of cultists approached Lydia and I in town. Their masks resembled a scowling octopus. Said something about how I’m not the true Dragonborn and that Miraak? would return and show his true power.

The city guard took care of them. I found a letter on one of them saying to board the boat from Raven Rock and to kill me. I may look into this later…

We’re going to rest here until tomorrow. Klimmek caught up to me and paid me 500 gold for delivering the supplies, which I’ll be using for food.

15th of Heartfire, 4E 201

We made it to Whiterun within a few hours. Jarl Balgruuf seems to think it’s the Greybeards summoning me to High Hrothgar, on the Throat of the World.

He said there’s no rejecting the summons, so I suppose I don’t have much choice in climbing the 7000 Steps.


Afterwards, we took the road east with little trouble. We made it to a small mining settlement named Darkwater Crossing. Only about five people or so here. We’re halfway to Ivarstead now.

I’m glad Lydia is accompanying me. The way from here is perilous and fierce. We should sleep now though, for we have a long road ahead of us come morning.